Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotra destruction of poverty ॥ दारिद्र्य दहन शिव स्तोत्र ॥

Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotra

By reciting Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotra verses you can acquire wealth. This Stotram is composed by Sage Vasishtha, Guru of Lord Rama. It aims to eradicate adversity, poverty, and related problems. This hymn means a burning source of poverty. One who regularly worships Shiva and recites Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotra, gets blessings of Shiva and destroys poverty, and gains wealth. 

One who recites this hymn will surely attain heaven. We have to recite Shiv Daridra Dahan Stotra daily with faith, devotion, and concentration. Daridra Dahan Stotra removes our poverty and we get money, wealth, and prosperity. All our diseases are removed and we attain sound health.

Shiva is the god ruler of death, he is the only deity who is not controlled by the time "the kala" factor where all avatars are gods or gods and all beings are subject to time, but above Shiva Kaala he is the killer of Kaala hence known as Mahakala. Only Shiva is called Mrityunjaya "conqueror of time and all limitations". So there is no hindrance or limitation in worshiping Shiva, he can and should be worshiped at any time and at all times, because he himself is the master of time, born from his own parts. In Hindu scriptures, there are many remedies that you can adopt to remove suffering and poverty from your life. Whether you are not getting success despite your best efforts, are in a severe financial crisis, or are struggling with some kind of illness, you must recite this poverty-burning source of Lord Shiva.

A person who is suffering from a severe financial crisis, should be in debt, business dealings are repeatedly stuck, and suffer from poverty and exploitation should worship Shiva. Shiv Daridra Dahan Stotra means the destruction of poverty. Poverty is not only physical but also mental. In today's Kalika, most people are suffering from mental poverty- negative passion-action, anger, greed, addiction, ego-ego, selfishness, jealousy, fear, etc.

If you want to keep away misery, poverty, illiteracy, and unemployment from your life then recite this Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotra daily, especially Pradosh Kal.

॥ दारिद्र्य दहन शिव स्तोत्र ॥

 Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotra in Hindi and English with Meaning

विश्वेश्वराय नरकार्णवतारणाय
कर्णामृताय शशिशेखरधारणाय।
कर्पूरकान्तिधवलाय जटाधराय
दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥1॥

Visvesvaraya Narkarnavataranaya

Karnamritaya Shashisekhardharanaya.

Karpoorkantidhalaya Jatadharai

Poverty, sadness, Namah Shivay ॥1॥

English Meaning: I offer obeisance to Siva, who burns away the sorrows of poverty, who is the lord of the universe, who helps us to cross the sea of hell, who is happy in the ears, who wears the crescent moon as an ornament, who is the flame of white camphor, who wears unbroken and cropped hair.

गौरीप्रियाय रजनीशकलाधराय
कालान्तकाय भुजगाधिपकङ्कणाय।
गङ्गाधराय गजराजविमर्दनाय
दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥2॥

Gauripriya Rajneeshkaladharai

Kalantakaya Bhujgadhipakkanaya.

Gangadharai Gajrajvimardnaya

Poverty, sadness, Namah Shivay ॥2॥

English Meaning: I bow to Siva who burns away the sorrows of poverty, who is the darling of Goddess Parvati, who wears the crescent moon of the night, who was the death of the god of death, who wears the king of snakes as bangles, who carries the Ganges on his head, and who killed the king of elephants.

भक्तिप्रियाय भवरोगभयापहाय
उग्राय दुर्गभवसागरतारणाय।
ज्योतिर्मयाय गुणनामसुनृत्यकाय
दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥3॥

Bhaktipriya Bhavarogbhayapahay

Ugraya Durgbhavsagartaranay.

Jyotirmaya Gunnamsunrityakay

Poverty, sadness, Namah Shivay ॥3॥

English Meaning: I bow to Shiva who burns the sorrows of poverty, who is beloved by his devotees, who destroy the fear of disease in human life, who is terrible, who crosses the difficult ocean of our life, who is the personification of light and who dances in his good name?

चर्माम्बराय शवभस्मविलेपनाय
भालेक्षणाय मणिकुण्डलमण्डिताय।
मञ्जीरपादयुगलाय जटाधराय
दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥4॥

Charmambarai Shavbhasmavilepanay

Bhalekshanay Manikundalamanditay.

manjirpadyugalay jatadharaya

Poverty, sadness, Namah Shivay ॥4॥

English Meaning: I bow to Siva who burns the sorrows of poverty, who wears the veil, who applies the ashes of burning corpses, who places the eyes on the forehead, Who wears precious stone ear studs, Who wears jingling anklets, And who wears uncombed and uncut hair?

पञ्चाननाय फणिराजविभूषणाय
हेमांशुकाय भुवनत्रयमण्डिताय।
आनन्दभूमिवरदाय तमोमयाय
दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥5॥

Panchannaya Phanirajvibhushanaya

Hemanshukaya Bhuvantrayamanditay.

Anandabhoomivarday tamomayay

Poverty, sadness, Namah Shivay ॥5॥

English Meaning: I bow to Siva who burns away the sorrows of poverty, who has five faces, who wears the king of snakes as an ornament, who wears clothes made of gold, who is the ornament of the three worlds, who is the bestower of boons, who is the storehouse of happiness, who is the embodiment of darkness?

भानुप्रियाय भवसागरतारणाय

कालान्तकाय कमलासनपूजिताय।

नेत्रत्रयाय शुभलक्षणलक्षिताय

दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥6॥

Bhanupriya Bhavsagar Taranay

Kalantakaya Kamalasan worshipped.

Nettraya Shubhlakshanalakshitaya

Poverty, sadness, Namah Shivay ॥6॥

English Meaning: I bow to Siva, who burns the sorrows of poverty, who is the world by the grace of Gauri, who is the supreme Lord, who is like a lion, who is the wish-granting tree, who seeks his protection, who is omnipresent, and who is the king of all worlds.

रामप्रियाय रघुनाथवरप्रदाय
नागप्रियाय नरकार्णवतारणाय।
पुण्येषु पुण्यभरिताय सुरार्चिताय
दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥7॥

Rampriya Raghunathvarpradaya

Nagpriya Narkarnavataranaya.

punyeshu punyabharitaya surarchitaya

Poverty, sadness, Namah Shivay ॥7॥

English Meaning: I bow to Siva who burns away the sorrows of poverty, who is beloved of the sun god, who helps us cross the ocean of birth, who killed the god of death, who is worshiped by Brahma, and who desires all good Symptoms.

मुक्तेश्वराय फलदाय गणेश्वराय
गीतप्रियाय वृषभेश्वरवाहनाय।
मातङ्गचर्मवसनाय महेश्वराय
दारिद्र्यदुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥8॥

Mukteshwaraya Fruitful Ganeshwaraya

Geetpriya Vrishbheshwarvahanay.

Matangcharmavasanay Maheshwaraya

Poverty, sadness, Namah Shivay ॥8॥

English Meaning: I bow to Siva who burns the sorrows of poverty, who is beloved of Rama, who gives boons to Rama, who favors serpents, who destroys hell, who is the holiest of the holy, and who is worshiped by the gods.

वसिष्ठेन कृतं स्तोत्रं सर्वरोगनिवारणम्।

सर्वसम्पत्करं शीघ्रं पुत्रपौत्रादिवर्धनम्।

त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नित्यं स हि स्वर्गमवाप्नुयात् ॥9॥

Vasishthen Kritam Stotram Sarvaroganivaranam.

Sarvasampatkaram speedily putraputradivardhanam.

Trisandhya ya: Pathennityam sa hi swargamvaapnuyat ॥9॥

English Meaning: This prayer, composed by sage Vasishta, bestows all kinds of wealth, and whoever recites it morning, noon and evening, will enjoy heavenly bliss.

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