5th Mahavidya Devi Tripura Bhairavi combination of beauty and fierceness

Tripura Bhairavi "Tri" refers to three, and "Pura" refers to a fortress, castle, city, or town. Tripura represents three states of consciousness: active, dream, and deep sleep. Bhairavi literally means "fear and panic" or "awe-inspiring." She exists in all triads, and once these triads are transcended, the Brahman is attained. In plenty of other words, we can realize Shiva's consciousness when we have her blessing. As a result, she is known as Tripurabhairavi.

Bhairavi reflects the presiding strength of speech, which is the fire in existence. She is the Word as energy and passion in its ineffable and primal form, the flaming word that appears as a pillar or a weapon to destroy all resistance. She is the ultimate source of illumination and steam, the spark of awareness as a whole, and the ultimate source of truth and reality.

Who is Tripura Bhairavi?

Bhairavi's word means "frightening," and she is also identified as Tripura Bhairavi, implying that she is the greatest terror in all three worlds. Bhairavi is derived from the words that imply to produce, according to the Parashurama-Kalpa sutra. Bhairavi, the fifth Mahavidya or Enlightenment Goddess, is a well-known and fearsome Goddess. Bhairava is her consort. She has many aspects and derogatory terms that proclaim her cosmic significance, if not supremacist ideologies.

Goddess Bhairavi Iconography

Goddess Tripura Bhairavi is similar to Goddess Kali and Goddess Parvati. She is depicted in Kali Iconography sitting on the cremation ground on top of a headless dead body. She has four arms during which she holds a weapon, a Trishul, and the decapitated head of the demon, and her 4th arm is in the Abhaya Mudra, encouraging worshippers not to be afraid.

Tripura Bhairavi

In the second iconography, Goddess Bhairavi sparkles with the brilliance of ten thousand rising suns. Goddess Bhairavi has four arms and two of them are holding a book and a rosary. She is seated on a lotus flower. With her remaining two arms, she performs fear-relieving and blessing expressions known as Abhaya and Varada Mudra, including both.

Goddess Bhairavi Horrific Appearance

Goddess Bhairavi is a vital Goddess for all Tantra practitioners. Her appearance alone demonstrates her power in the dark world. Bhairavi was regarded as Chamunda Devi in the Durga Saptashati version when she killed the two demons Shumbha and Nishumbha, according to Hindu ancient texts. She ends up killing and drinks the blood of the Asura tribal chiefs Chanda and Munda, and the Goddess Parvati grants her the name 'Chamundeshwari.' The goddess has also been identified as a representation of Goddess Parvati and Goddess Durga. When she is enraged, she is discovered sitting on a devoted donkey, her mouth full of demon blood. The skeleton and tiger skin remains on the body.

Tripura Bhairavi

The idea of receiving Gaura varna enters Mahakali's mind, according to Narada-Pancharatra. upon which the Goddess has suddenly disappeared. Even before Lord Shiva cannot obtain the Goddess present before him, he becomes distraught and searches for her. When Shiva inquires about the Goddess, Narada Ji responds that visions of Shakti can be had in the north of Sumeru, while a direct presence of the Goddess will be possible. Then Naradji goes there in search of the Goddess. When Maharishi Narada Ji arrives, he proposes that she marry Shiva, which enrages the goddess. And another Deity emerges from his body, revealing the shadow-deity "Tripura Bhairavi." She is Mahakali's fiery manifestation.

Tripura Bhairavi Yantra, Tantra, Mantra

Tripura Devi Yantra: Bhairavi Yantra is bestowed with safety and happiness when worshiped with complete devotion and true belief. These people have expressive and persuasive speech. Those who carry this Yantra are always under the deity's protective gaze and have safe journeys. The presence of the Tripura Devi Yantra dispels all negative energies, fears, uncertainties, nervousness, and malevolent spirits. Tripura Bhairavi deals with any situation that could incite panic, stress, feel anxious, accidental deaths, or disapproval.

Tripura Bhairavi

Bhairavi Tantra Sadhana: Bhairavi is also a title for a female Kundalini Tantra adept. A yogini is a Tantra  aspirant. A Bhairavi worshipper is a successful person. So one who has attained the state of Bhairavi is fearless of death and thus awesome. In tantra for Bairivi Sadhana, a worshipper denotes Shakti and Shiva, and their union breaks all three walls of Maya. Sadhna, Ramkrishna Paramhansa did this. This is a difficult tantric practice. In this tantric Sadhana that destroys darkness, Bhairavi herself is a Guru. Every breath, every step, and every heartbeat should be continuous during this sadhana. That is when you realize how significant simple things can be and what wonderful things these simple things can accomplish. If Bhairavi's grace, her footprint, is established in your heart, you will never have to worry about victory or failure, prosperity or poverty, or even life or death.

Bhairavi Sadhana Material: Bhairavi yantra, mala, Kavach, Bhairavi Riddhi-siddhi Gutika, Aasan, holy threads, Raksha sutra, and Sadhana Mantra are all examples of yantras.

Bhairavi Sadhana Mantra 

ह: सैं ह: स: क्रीम ह: सैम

Ha: Saim Ha: Sa: Kreem Ha: Saim

Powerful Bhairavi Mantras

The Tanmantras, the subtle sensory potentials behind the five elements and five sense organs that allow for their interconnection, are ruled by Bhairavi as Teja's radiance. She grants power over the senses and the elements through the Tanmantras. She is life's fundamental willpower, mastering which we come to control all of its symptoms.

Bhairavi Mool Mantra

ॐ ह्रीं भैरवी कलौं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥

Om Hreem Bhairavi Kalaum Hreem Svaha॥

Tryakshari Bhairavi Mantra 

ह्स्त्रैं ह्स्क्ल्रीं ह्स्त्रौंः॥

Hstraim Hsklreem Hstraumh॥

Ashtakshari Tripura Bhairavi Mantra

हसैं हसकरीं हसैं॥

Hasaim Hasakarim Hasaim॥

Shmashan Bhairavi Mantra

श्मशान भैरवि नररुधिरास्थि - वसाभक्षिणि सिद्धिं मे देहि

मम मनोरथान् पूरय हुं फट् स्वाहा॥

Shmashana Bhairavi Nararudhirasthi - Vasabhakshini Siddhim Me Dehi

Mama Manorathan Puraya Hum Phat Svaha॥

Bhairavi Gayatri Mantra

ॐ त्रिपुरायै विद्महे महाभैरव्यै धीमहि तन्नो देवी प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Tripurayai Vidmahe Mahabhairavyai Dhimahi Tanno Devi Prachodayat॥

How To Chant Tripura Bhairavi Mantra

  • Worship Bhairavi Yantra or a picture with flowers and incense.

  • Start from Tuesday night after 10 pm facing north.

  •  lit a ghee lamp before the picture of Devi Bhairavi.

  • Chant 10 rosaries of this mantra for 21 consecutive days.

  • After 21 days, you will observe the divine grace of Tripura Bhairavi.

Tripura Bhairavi stotram

ब्रह्मादयस्स्तुति शतैरपि सूक्ष्मरूपं जानन्तिनैव जगदादिमनादिमूर्तिम् ।

तस्मादमूं कुचनतां नवकुङ्कुमास्यां स्थूलां स्तुवे सकलवाङ्मयमातृभूताम् ॥ 1 ॥

Brahma and others, even with hundreds of praises, know Him in His subtle form, the beginning of the universe, the beginning of the mind.

Therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto this mother of all living entities, whose breasts are covered with nine kuṅkuma flowers.  1 ॥

सद्यस्समुद्यत सहस्र दिवाकराभां विद्याक्षसूत्रवरदाभयचिह्नहस्तां ।

नेत्रोत्पलैस्त्रिभिरलङ्कृतवक्त्रपद्मां त्वां तारहाररुचिरां त्रिपुरां भजामः ॥ 2 ॥

At once she rose up, shining like a thousand suns, holding a thread of knowledge, eyes, boons, and a sign of fearlessness.

We worship You, whose lotus face is adorned with three lotus eyes and whose necklace of stars is beautiful. 2 ॥

सिन्दूरपूररुचिरां कुचभारनम्रां जन्मान्तरेषु कृतपुण्य फलैकगम्यां ।

अन्योन्य भेदकलहाकुलमानभेदै–र्जानन्तिकिञ्जडधिय स्तवरूपमन्ये ॥ 3 ॥

The beauty of the flowers of Sindur is humbled by the weight of her breasts.

Others, whose intelligence is dull, understand the form of the Lord’s prayers because of their differences, quarrels, pride, and differences among themselves. 3 ॥

स्थूलां वदन्ति मुनयः श्रुतयो गृणन्ति सूक्ष्मां वदन्ति वचसामधिवासमन्ये ।

त्वांमूलमाहुरपरे जगताम्भवानि मन्यामहे वयमपारकृपाम्बुराशिम् ॥ 4 ॥

The sages speak of the gross, while the Vedas describe the subtle, while others speak of the subtle as the abode of words.

Others call You the root of all material existence, but we consider You to be the ocean of infinite mercy. 4 ॥

चन्द्रावतंस कलितां शरदिन्दुशुभ्रां पञ्चाशदक्षरमयीं हृदिभावयन्ती ।

त्वां पुस्तकञ्जपपटीममृताढ्य कुम्भां व्याख्याञ्च हस्तकमलैर्दधतीं त्रिनेत्राम् ॥ 5 ॥

Tripura Bhairavi meditates on the fifty-syllable form of the moon-like figure, which is white like the autumn moon.

You are the three-eyed one who holds in your lotus hands a book, a cup of chanting, a waterpot rich in nectar and explanation. 5 ॥

शम्भुस्त्वमद्रितनया कलितार्धभागो विष्णुस्त्वमम्ब कमलापरिणद्धदेहः ।

पद्मोद्भवस्त्वमसि वागधिवासभूमि-रेषां क्रियाश्च जगति त्रिपुरेत्वमेव ॥ 6॥

You are Lord Śambhu, half of the Kali-yuga, and Lord Viṣṇu, whose body is covered with lotuses, O mother.

You are the origin of the lotus flower, the abode of speech, and the activities of all living entities in this world. 6 ॥

आश्रित्यवाग्भव भवाम्श्चतुरः परादीन्-भावान्पदात्तु विहितान्समुदारयन्तीं ।

कालादिभिश्च करणैः परदेवतां त्वां संविन्मयींहृदिकदापि नविस्मरामि ॥ 7 ॥

Become a clever woman who relies on others and others, but who is prescribed by the footsteps.

I never forget You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in my heart, which is filled with time and other means. 7 ॥

आकुञ्च्य वायुमभिजित्यच वैरिषट्कं आलोक्यनिश्चलधिया निजनासिकाग्रां ।

ध्यायन्ति मूर्ध्नि कलितेन्दुकलावतंसं त्वद्रूपमम्ब कृतिनस्तरुणार्कमित्रम् ॥ 8 ॥

He shrank the air and conquered the six enemies, and with a steady mind, he saw the tip of his nose.

They meditate on Your form, O mother, who is the friend of the young sun. 8 ॥

त्वं प्राप्यमन्मथरिपोर्वपुरर्धभागं सृष्टिङ्करोषि जगतामिति वेदवादः ।

सत्यन्तदद्रितनये जगदेकमातः नोचेद शेषजगतः स्थितिरेवनस्यात् ॥ 9 ॥

According to Vedic literature, You created half of the universe, which is the source of all happiness.

If the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the only mother of the universe, does not exist, then the rest of the universe will remain in this state. 9 ॥

पूजांविधायकुसुमैः सुरपादपानां पीठेतवाम्ब कनकाचल कन्दरेषु ।

गायन्तिसिद्धवनितास्सहकिन्नरीभि-रास्वादितामृतरसारुणपद्मनेत्राः ॥ 10 ॥

O, mother, one should offer worship to the trees of the demigods with flowers in the caves of the golden mountains.

The women of the Siddhas, along with the Kinnaras, sing the nectar-like taste of the Lord with their eyes like red lotuses. 10 ॥

विद्युद्विलास वपुषः श्रियमावहन्तीं यान्तीमुमांस्वभवनाच्छिवराजधानीं ।

सौन्दर्यमार्गकमलानिचका सयन्तीं देवीम्भजेत परमामृत सिक्तगात्राम् ॥ 11 ॥

She carried the beauty of her body, which shone like lightning, and went from her palace to the capital of Lord Śiva.

One should worship the goddess whose body is soaked with the supreme nectar and whose lotus flower is the path of beauty. 11 ॥

आनन्दजन्मभवनं भवनं श्रुतीनां चैतन्यमात्र तनुमम्बतवाश्रयामि ।

ब्रह्मेशविष्णुभिरुपासितपादपद्मं सौभाग्यजन्मवसतिं त्रिपुरेयथावत् ॥ 12 ॥

I take refuge in the body of the Mother, the only consciousness of the Vedas, the abode of the birth of bliss.

The lotus feet of Lord Brahmā, Lord Viṣṇu, and Lord Brahmā is worshiped by Lord Brahmā and Lord Viṣṇu. 12 ॥

सर्वार्थभाविभुवनं सृजतीन्दुरूपा यातद्बिभर्ति पुनरर्क तनुस्स्वशक्त्या ।

ब्रह्मात्मिकाहरतितं सकलम्युगान्ते तां शारदां मनसि जातु न विस्मरामि ॥ 13 ॥

The moon, in the form of the moon, creates the universe, which is the source of all meaning, and by its own energy, the sun again sustains it.

At the end of the millennium, I never forget that autumnal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 13 ॥

नारायणीति नरकार्णवतारिणीति गौरीति खेदशमनीति सरस्वतीति ।

ज्ञानप्रदेति नयनत्रयभूषितेति त्वामद्रिराजतनये विबुधा पदन्ति ॥ 14 ॥

She is called Nārāyaṇī, the descendant of the ocean of hell, Gaurī, the tenth of sorrow, and Sarasvatī.

O son of the king of the mountains, all the demigods worship You as the giver of knowledge. You are adorned with three eyes. 14 ॥

येस्तुवन्तिजगन्मातः श्लोकैर्द्वादशभिःक्रमात् ।

त्वामनु पाप्र्यवाक्सिद्धिं प्राप्नुयुस्ते पराम्श्रियम् ॥ 15 ॥

Those who praise the mother of the universe in twelve verses in order.

By following You they will attain the perfection of sinful speech and attain supreme opulence. 15 ॥

इतिते कथितं देवि पञ्चाङ्गं भैरवीमयं ।

गुह्याद्गोप्यतमङ्गोप्यं गोपनीयं स्वयोनिवत् ॥ 16 ॥

I have thus described to you, O goddess, the five elements of the Bhāiravī.

It is as confidential and confidential as one’s own womb. 16 ॥


Uddyadbhanu Sahasra Kantim Arunakshoumam Shiromalikam

Raktalipta Payodharam Japavatim Vidyambhitim Varam

Hastabjair Dhadhatim Trinetra Vilasao Vaktrar Avindashriyam

Devimbaddha Himanshu Ratna Mukutam Vande Samandasmitam

Worship - Generally, needs and desires, and aspirations are granted if the cryptic mantra or other mantras are chanted 5,00000 times (five lakhs) with complete faith and dedication.

Tripura Bhairavi Mantra Benefits

  1. Chanting Maa Tripura Bhairavi Mantras empowers you to be braver, and even more self-confident.                                                           
  2. If you need to be secure and safeguarded from someone or something, chanting Bhairavi Mantras will definitely bless you with the right shield around you.
  3. Goddess Mantras can also bestow a child on childless couples.
  4. We may have everything in life, but the two most important things we lack are peace of mind and satisfaction. Bhairavi Mantras can help one achieve the desired level of satisfaction
  5. Chant Bhairavi Mantras if you are experiencing negativity in your life or if you are surrounded by negative people who do not wish you well.


Tripura Bhairavi is the ultimate divine light as well as the radiant fire's extraordinary power. She represents the divine consciousness's very flame, chid-Agni, which is the Supreme Truth. The universe depends on both creation and destruction. She personifies the principle of annihilation. She represents the transformation that occurs as a result of the destruction, which is not always negative. She is also visible in self-destructive habits, such as eating tamasic food, which is associated with ignorance and lust. She is found in discarded sperm, which weakens males. Bhairavi's presence in the world is strengthened by her anger, jealousy, and selfish emotions.

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