Mega-Devine Female Tripura Sundari who gave birth to the three world

Tripura Sundari is a mega-Divine female, the Mother of Divine, the counterpart of God the Father. Her energy is annually available primarily during Navaratri, the Nine Nights of the Goddess. She (Mata Shodashi) is one of the ten Goddesses who are collectively known as Mahavidyas. She has great beauty and power and delights the senses, and triggers intellectual and emotional admiration of the three worlds of Akash, Patal, and Dharti. She is depicted as a 16-year-old girl and is believed to symbolize sixteen types of desires. She is also called so because she owns all the sixteen mystic powers. The worship of Tripura Sundari gives joy, happiness, peace, harmony, wealth, and beauty. Tripura Sundari is simply not vibration or frequency. She is the only supreme atman. She is also known as Rajarajeshwari, Lalita, Lalitambika, Lalita Parabhattarika, Kamakshi, Kameshwari, Shodashi, Lilavati, Sri Mata, Sarveshwari, Kalavati the sole supreme atman. She is present in these letters. She is ageless, birthless, the greatest, and the glory of all gods.

Tripura Sundari

Tripureshwari of Tripura Sundari Temple, Tripura

Tripura Sundari is an ancient temple and a Shakti Peetha located about 55 kilometers from Agartala, Tripura in India, in the old town of Udaipur. This temple is recognized and adored as the most sacred temple of the country's northeastern region.

The temple was founded by Dhanyamanikya, the 16th century CE ruler of Tripura, who had a dream in which he saw the Goddess Lalita Sundari being installed in the hilltop temple of Udaipur. Despite the fact that the temple belonged to Lord Vishnu, the pious king obeyed the heavenly revelation and established the Tripureshwari shrine in 1501. Tripura Sundari Temple is known as the Kurma Peetha because it resembles a tortoise shell. This Temple is home to two deities: the 5 ft tall goddess Tripureshwari, also known as Shoroshi, and the 2 ft tall goddess Chhotima. The temple's idol is fashioned of reddish-colored Kasti stone. The most popular belief is that the temple is a Shakti Peetha, where Lady Sati's right foot fell.

Tripureshwari The deity of the Goddess 

A principal aspect of the supreme goddess Mahadevi is described as Lord Shiva's spouse. The state of Tripura is thought to have gotten its name from Tripura Sundari. One of the state's biggest temples is dedicated to the worship of Tripureshwari. This prominent Tripura temple is located on top of a hill near the village of Radhakishorepur. This location is not far from the important town of Udaipur. There is a hymn devoted to Sarveshwari. The significance of Goddess in Tripura can be appreciated by the fact that it is one of the 51 Pithasthanas linked with Hinduism. 

Tripura Sundari

According to the ancient text, the toe of Mata Sati's right foot dropped here, and so the Tripura Sundari mandir is one of the 51 Shakthi Peeth. The Temple has a square sanctuary that resembles a traditional Bengali house. On the squared sanctuary of this temple is a conical dome. This temple is also known as Kurma Pitha because its shape is similar to that of a tortoise.

History: Once, Prajapati Daksha arranged for a 'Mahayagna' or a great Sacrificial rite. All the Gods except Shiva were invited. Sati turned up at her father's home without any invitation. Suddenly, at the Yagna site, Daksha started condemning Shiva acrimoniously. Sati could not bear the reproach against Shiva and she gave up the ghost at the very site. When Shiva heard this, he assumed a destructive mood, and consequently, Birbhadra came into being from the shrine or his yellowish-brown matted hair. Along with the 'Pitha' company of Shiva followers, Birbhadra demolished all the preparations for the Yagna. Furious with anger, Shiva took up the lifeless body of Sati on his shoulders and began 'Tandava-Nritya' or a frantic annihilation dance. All the objects of creation including the Earth were on the verge of extinction as a result of the 'Tandava'. When all attempts to stop the 'Tandava' failed, Lord Vishnu used his invincible wheel-shaped missile 'The Sudarshan Chakra' that severed the body of the Sati into many pieces. The sacred fragments of the body of Sati fell onto many parts of the Sub-continent, which were later referred to as Maha-Pithas. Tripura Sundari Temple is one of Maha-Pethas. Tripura Sundari and 'Bhairav' is 'The Supreme Lord of Tripura'. 

Another story:

When Lord Shiva heard about the demigods' hardships caused by Bhandasura, he reminded Goddess Parvati of Brahma's blessing. As Adi-Shakti, Parvati learns she is the unborn global power who alone can kill Bhandara. But as Parvati, she was still Himavan and Menavati's kid. So, at her and Lord Shiva's direction, the demigods prayed to the highest Brahman Sadashiva, who appeared in two forms before them: Shambhu and Shakti. The Saptarishis were told to offer a fire sacrifice to aid Shakti's manifestation. During the sacrifice, all the deities entered the fire, and Tripura Sundari the world's most beautiful deity, was born from their bodies. She then recreated Vishnu and Parvati as brothers and sisters, followed by Brahma and Saraswathi, Rudra and Lakshmi, and all the other demigods.

A similar version of this story:

Tarakasura, an enemy of the devas, had a boon that he could only be killed by the son of Shiva and Parvati. So the devas sent Manmatha, the God of Love, to beget a son from Shiva and Parvati. Manmatha directed his flower arrows at Shiva and Parvati in order to elicit intense sexual impulses from them. Shiva, enraged at being duped, opened his third eye, reducing the God of Love to ashes. 

The Devas and Manmatha's wife, Rathi Devi, begged Shiva to give Manmatha life. Shiva obeyed their request and gazed upon Manmatha's ashes. From the ashes arose Bhandasura, who rendered the entire universe powerless and reigned from the city of Shonithapura, after which he began harassing the devas. The devas then sought the counsel of Sage Narada and Trimurti, who advised them to seek the assistance of Nirguna Brahman, the ultimate unmanifest godhead. Nirguna Brahman appeared before them in the form of Maha Sambhu and Adi Parasakthi. For the good of the universe, Maha Sambhu and Adi Parasakthi agreed to take the forms of Maha Kameswara and Lalita Sundari. A maha yajna is performed in which the entire creation is present. The manifest cosmos is sacrificed, and from the fire sprang Maha Sambhu and Adi Parasakthi as Shodashi and Kameswara. Lalitha and Kameswara restored the universe to its original state. Brahma and Lakshmi, Vishnu and Parvati, and Shiva and Saraswati were all created by her. As a result, Vishnu became known as Parvati's brother.

Tripura Sundari

   Sri Tripurasundari Stotram

         श्री त्रिपुरसुन्दरी स्तोत्रम्

कदंबवनचारिणीं मुनिकदम्बकादंविनीं,

नितंबजितभूधरां सुरनितंबिनीसेविताम् |


त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुंदरीमाश्रये ॥|1|

कदंबवनवासिनीं कनकवल्लकीधारिणीं,

महार्हमणिहारिणीं मुखसमुल्लसद्वारुणींम् |

दया विभव कारिणी विशद लोचनी चारिणी,

त्रिलोचन कुटुम्बिनी त्रिपुर सुंदरी माश्रये ॥|2|

कदंबवनशालया कुचभरोल्लसन्मालया,

कुचोपमितशैलया गुरुकृपालसद्वेलया |

मदारुणकपोलया मधुरगीतवाचालया ,

कयापि घननीलया कवचिता वयं लीलया ॥|3|

कदंबवनमध्यगां कनकमंडलोपस्थितां,

षडंबरुहवासिनीं सततसिद्धसौदामिनीम् |

विडंवितजपारुचिं विकचचंद्रचूडामणिं ,

त्रिलोचनकुटुंबिनीं त्रिपुरसुंदरीमाश्रये ॥|4|

कुचांचितविपंचिकां कुटिलकुंतलालंकृतां ,

कुशेशयनिवासिनीं कुटिलचित्तविद्वेषिणीम् |

मदारुणविलोचनां मनसिजारिसंमोहिनीं ,

मतंगमुनिकन्यकां मधुरभाषिणीमाश्रये ॥|5|

स्मरेत्प्रथमपुष्प्णीं रुधिरबिन्दुनीलांबरां,

गृहीतमधुपत्रिकां मधुविघूर्णनेत्रांचलाम्‌ |

घनस्तनभरोन्नतां गलितचूलिकां श्यामलां,

त्रिलोचनकुटंबिनीं त्रिपुरसुंदरीमाश्रये ॥|6|

सकुंकुमविलेपनामलकचुंबिकस्तूरिकां ,

समंदहसितेक्षणां सशरचापपाशांकुशाम् |

असेष जनमोहिनी मरूण माल्य भुषाम्बरा,

जपाकुशुम भाशुरां जपविधौ स्मराम्यम्बिकाम ॥|7|

पुरम्दरपुरंध्रिकां चिकुरबंधसैरंध्रिकां ,

पितामहपतिव्रतां पटुपटीरचर्चारताम्‌ |

मुकुंदरमणीं मणिलसदलंक्रियाकारिणीं,

भजामि भुवनांबिकां सुरवधूटिकाचेटिकाम् ॥|8|

इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यश्रीमच्छंकराचार्य विरचितं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ।

English pronunciation:



































Yantra,Tantra, Mantra of Lalita Sundari


Vidya denotes knowledge, specifically female wisdom, or the goddess, and refers to her aspects known as Shri, Bala, or Rajarajeshwari, whose magical diagram is known as the "Shri Yantra" or the "Bala Tripura Sundari Yantra." Sarveshwari, often known as the Red Goddess, is represented as a red blossom. She is revered as a nine-year-old female child divinity who will grant all of your wishes in life.

Tripura Sundari

Goddess Tripura is the ultimate, primordial Shakti, the manifestation's light. She is the garland of alphabet letters and is supposed to be the one who gave birth to the three worlds. She is known as "the beauty of three worlds." She is the final resting place of all her devotees.

How to Use the Yantra?

Yantras are excellent cosmic energy conductors, an antenna of Nature, and a potent instrument for peace, prosperity, success, good health, yoga, and meditation! Yantras are made up of geometric patterns. To acquire higher states of consciousness, the eyes and mind focus on the center of the yantra. Yantras are typically composed of copper.

  • Chant the Mantra above in front of the Yantra, especially after you've taken a shower.

  • Bala Tripura Sundari Yantra brings new life into the lives of

  • People who yearn for supernatural assistance in their activities

  • People who crave beauty and happiness in their lives People who want to excel in all aspects of life People who want to live a stress-free life People who want to connect with the divine feminine

  • In a clean and sacred altar, place the Yantra facing East or North.

  • Allow no one else to get into contact with the Yantra.

  • Wash the Yantra on a regular basis with rose water or milk. Then, rinse it with water and dry it with a soft cloth. The color of the Yantra may vary over time; nonetheless, this does not diminish the Yantra's strength.

  • Place spherical dots of sandalwood paste in the Yantra's four corners and center.

  • In front of the Yantra, place a candle or ghee lamp and an incense stick. You can also provide fresh or dried fruits, such as Prasad.


Tantra considers the entire universe to be a love affair between the God Shiva and the Goddess Shakti. Shiva is the transcendent essence of the highest awareness, while Shakti is the creative energy that gives birth to all things. We are directed into the ultimate union of Form and Spirit, the un-manifest and the manifest, by the Grace of the Goddess. Thus, according to Tantric wisdom, Lalitha is the embodiment of truth, the divine nectar of creation, and transcends the cosmos in which she manifests. Finally, through the grace of the Goddess, one may perpetually live in the heart of illuminated truth, without wants and aversions; perceiving through the eyes of an innocent child: pure and uncorrupted by the illusion of the manifest world.

The benefit of Sri Mata in Tantra

Sadhaks of Dus Mahavidya regard maa Tripura Sundari sadhana to provide rapid benefits for beauty, good fortune, money, pleasure, and salvation. After perfecting this Sadhna, the aspirant Sadhak receives all Ashtsidhis. Sri Vidya sadhana bestows many benefits for overall financial prosperity and stability, business expansion, name and popularity, and long and wealthy married life. The outcomes are immediately following the completion of the Sri Vidya siddhi.


ऐं सौः क्लीं॥

Aim Sauh Kleem॥

Ashtadashakshar Shodashi Mantra 

ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं त्रिपुरामदने सर्वशुभं साधय स्वाहा॥

Hreem Shreem Kleem Tripuramadane Sarvashubham Sadhaya Svaha॥

Shadakshar Shodashi Mantra 

ऐं क्लीं सौः सौः क्लीं ऐं॥

Aim Kleem Sauh Sauh Kleem Aim॥

Vinshatyakshar Shodashi Mantra 

ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं परापरे त्रिपुरे सर्वमीप्सितं साधय स्वाहा॥

Hreem Shreem Kleem Parapare Tripure Sarvamipsitam Sadhaya Svaha॥

Panchakshar Shodashi Mantra 

ऐं क्लीं सौः सौः क्लीं॥

Aim Kleem Sauh Sauh Kleem॥

Maha Shodashi Mantra

ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं सौः

ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क ए ई ल ह्रीं ह स क ह ल ह्रीं स क ल ह्रीं  सौः

ऐं क्लीं ह्रीं श्रीं

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Sauh:

Om Hreem Shreem Ka Ai Ei La Hreem Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem Sa Ka La Hreem Sauh

Aim Kleem Hreem Shreem

   Tripura Gayatri Mantra

क्लीं त्रिपुरादेवि विद्महे कामेश्वरि धीमहि। तन्नः क्लिन्ने प्रचोदयात्॥

Kleem Tripuradevi Vidmahe Kameshvari Dhimahi। Tannah Klinne Prachodayat॥


Great Heavenly Mother, make in me a strong and pure temple, a mind that seeks truth, and a spirit that thirsts for enlightenment.' Balance these aspects of myself so that I can walk alongside you with harmony as my companion.

Who can chant this mantra?

Anyone, male or female, of any age, can chant this mantra. However, women should not say the mantra throughout their menstrual cycle, since this will have negative consequences. You can also use a portrait of  Kameshwari, or her yantra while repeating the mantra.

It is advised to sing the mantra while sitting in the northeast quadrant of your home or puja space, facing East. You can repeat the Dhyana mantra with rosary beads made of pink or clear quartz.

Lalita Devi Sri Mata Shodashi Puja

Sri Mata Shodashi is the primary deity linked with the Sri Vidya Shakta Tantric system. Dus Mahavidya is known as the goddess of learning and knowledge. All of these Goddesses are diverse manifestations of Adya Ma Shakti (Mother), who is always eager to bestow all benefits on followers. Kali, Tara, Chhinamasta, Shodashi, Bhuvneshwari, Tripura Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Baglamukhi, Matangi, and Kamla are the ten forms. Tara Devi is the blue form, Bagala is the tortoise incarnation, Dhumavati is the boar, Chinnamasta is Nrisimha, Bhuvaneshvari is Vamana, Matangi is the Rama form, Tripura is Jamadagni, Bhairavi is Balabhadra, Mahalakshmi is Buddha, and Durga is the Kalki form, according to Toda la Tantra chapter 10. Krishna murti is Bhagavati Kali. As a result, worshiping these Maha Vidya Forms is also recommended as an astrological treatment for the 9 planets. Kali represents Saturn, Tara represents Jupiter, Tripura represents Mercury, Bhuvaneshvari represents the Moon, Chinnamasta represents Rahu, Bhairavi represents Lagna, Dhumavati represents Ketu, Bagalamukhi represents Mars, Matangi represents Sun, and Kamala represents Venus. Tripura Sundari's devotion brings joy, happiness, peace, harmony, wealth, beauty, protection from evil spirits, and malevolent energy. Tripurasundari is thought to be sitting on SadaShiva's knee as Kamesvara - the Lord of Desire.

Shodashi Puja Benefits

- Worshippers receive protection from sicknesses, problems, and perils.

- It safeguards against theft, accidents, and sudden death.

- To ward off evil spirits and malevolent forces.

- They cannot hurt you in their life because you are protected by black magic.

- For a really quiet environment - a very strong intuition.

- Provide emancipation as well as spiritual service.

- This Puja encourages spiritual development.

- Concentrate on the deepest concentration for perfection, which offers salvation.

- The devotee will be blessed with health and prosperity.

- Prevents both mental and physical illnesses.

- Prevents illness and enhances health.

 - For Maa Shodashi's divine blessing.

- expanded both business and name

- To bring about peace, wealth, beauty, and benefits.

- To find the ideal life partner and have a happy marriage.

- For personal and professional stability.

- For your own peace of mind.

- Power and happiness puja

- This Puja encourages spiritual development.

- Concentrate on the deepest concentration for perfection, which offers salvation.

- The devotee will be blessed with health and prosperity.

Kameshwari Naivedya or Prasadham

It is customary to present Prasadam to the Devi while worshiping her. You can serve her delicious Pongal as well as customary desserts. If you can't make any sweets, take some cow milk and mix it with some jaggery; this can be served as Naivedya. If you don't have milk, you might offer the Goddess a small piece of jaggery or some rock instead. It is also customary to present the Goddess with flowers such as white, crimson, and pink flowers; aromatic flowers such as Jasmine, Marigold, Champa, Lily, and Rose are also appropriate.

Devi Tripura has been referred to as Kali by Tantrasaar. If one closely examines Murtishastra or idol-making ideas, one will notice that Devi Tripuri bears no resemblance to Tripura Bhairavi. Tripuri Devi sits in Godhasana with four arms.

The hand's stance often depicts the Paash Ankush Var and Abhaimudra configuration. Tripura Bhairavi Devi is linked with Shiva and bears a pair of arms. On one hand, she carries a book, and on the other, an Akshamaala. Devi Tripura Sundari, on the other hand, has two arms and is positioned atop The Shiva. As a result, even though the deity's image is that of Kali as a Pitha Devi, according to the Vedas, the idol is that of Tripura Sundari. Furthermore, since ancient times, this idol has been worshiped as the Mother-Goddess of Tripura.

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