Bilvashtakam Lyrics in Hindi & English with meaning


Bilvashtakam is a prayer to Lord Shiva and is often chanted in temples and shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is said to bring peace and harmony to the devotee who recites it. The prayer is composed of eight verses, each of which praises Lord Shiva's qualities and power. The verses are full of devotion as they describe the great Lord's many virtues and his divine grace. Chanting this prayer is believed to bring blessings and protection from evil.

Bilvashtakam is a very popular and effective prayer chanted to bring good health and prosperity. It is also called the "Rohini sadhana" as Rohini is one of the 27 stars (nakshatra) in Hindu astrology. The prayer is said to be the most effective when it is chanted on a full moon or new moon day in the month of Ashwin (September-October). It is also believed that it is more effective when it is performed in the evening. The prayer is a very simple one to recite and can be done in front of a statue of God or by oneself. The prayer is performed by performing aarti (a ritual where lights are waved before the deity) followed by chanting the prayer 108 times in a bell-metal (Bilvash) bowl that is filled with water.

The Ashtakam is a very ancient prayer, and it is recited to get relief from the troubles of life. It is also chanted to bless a newly built house. In fact, prayer is chanted on all auspicious occasions. Bilvashtakam is a traditional prayer that is chanted by many Hindus to bring peace and protection from evil. The prayer is a special hymn, which is made up of a series of Sanskrit shlokas that are said to be the direct words of Lord Shiva. The hymn is also called the Panchakshari Mantra, which means a mantra that contains five Sanskrit words, or the Panchakshara mantra.

Why are Bilva leaves offered to shiva?

The Bilva is Lord Shiva's symbol, according to the Shiva Purana. It is difficult to comprehend its magnitude. Blessed are those who bring Bilva. According to the Siva Purana, one Bilva is equal to a thousand lotus. Bilva Patra has a unique relationship with Lord Shiva. If a person prays to Shiva with a clear mind and offers a Belpatra to the Shivalinga, the Lord will grant them their wishes. As a result, Belpatra is one of the most important ingredients used in Lord Shiva worship. The wood apple tree produces Bilva leaves. This trifoliate leaf represents the holy Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. It also represents Shiva's three eyes.

The Bel tree grew from Parvati's sweat droplets that fell on the Mandrachal mountain, according to the Skanda Purana. The Bel tree grew from there. As a result, it is believed that the Goddess resides in this tree in all of Her manifestations. She lives in the tree as Girija in the roots, Maheshwari in the trunk, Dakshayani in the branches, Parvati in the leaves, Katyayani in the fruit, and Gauri in the flowers. As Parvati resides in this tree in various forms, Shiva is particularly fond of its leaves. According to Sri Bilva Shtakam, the bel tree grew from Lakshmi's breast. Those who offer one leaf of Bilva to Iva may achieve the same spiritual bliss as those who offer a Saligrama stone to a Brahman. Giving millions of elephants in charity, performing hundreds of Vajapeya sacrifices, or marrying off millions of daughters equals offering Shiva one Bilva-leaf. Those who recite this sacred Bilvakam near Shiva will be cleansed of all their sins and will enter Shiva's abode.

How to recite Bilvashtakam Lyrics?

Reciting Ashtakam is a great way to honor Lord Shiva and can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth. Here are the steps to help you recite it: 

  • Find a comfortable place to sit or stand and take a few moments to relax and center yourself. 

  • Read the Sanskrit version of the Ashtakam and familiarize yourself with the words. 

  • When you’re ready, begin to chant the lyrics.

  • You can chant it slowly or quickly, as long as you do it with conviction and dedication. 

  • As you chant, focus on the meaning of the words and the energy of Lord Shiva. 

  • When you finish chanting, take a few moments to sit in silence and savor the experience. 

  • Recite the Sloka and experience the blessings of Lord Shiva

Benefits of Bilvashtakam

Bilvashtakam is a very powerful, ancient prayer written in Sanskrit by Adi Shankara, a great Hindu Siant. It is an extremely powerful prayer and is believed to remove all evil influences, bring prosperity, and bestow all desired desires. The prayer is for removing the fear of death and providing protection from evil beings and spirits. This is a prayer that removes all negative energies from the surroundings and brings good luck, abundance, and prosperity.

Jagad Guru Sri Adi Shankaracharya wrote the lyrics for Lord Shiva Bilvashtakam. This is a powerful mantra that speaks of Lord Shiva's power and glory when offered Bilva leaves.

Bilvashtakam Lyrics in Hindi & English with meaning


Sanskrit: tridalaṃ triguṇākāraṃ trinĕtraṃ ca Triyāyudhaṃ.

trijanma pāpasaṃhāram ĕkabilvaṃ śivārpaṇaṃ ..1..

Hindi: उनकी तीन पंखुड़ियाँ, तीन रूप, तीन नेत्र और तीन शस्त्र हैं।

तीन जन्म पापों का नाश करते हैं। एक बिल्व वृक्ष भगवान शिव को चढ़ाया जाता है।

English Meaning: I offer a leaf of Bilva to Shiva

which has three leaves (a cotyledon has 3 leaves in a cluster)

which represents the three gunas (sattva, rajas, tamas).

and represents the three eyes of Shiva

Which is the trio of weapons he carries

the thought or chanting of his name destroys his accumulated sins.


triśākhaiḥ bilvapatraiśca hyacchidraiḥ komalaiḥ śubhaiḥ .

śivapūjāṃ kariṣyāmi hyekabilvaṃ śivārpaṇam .. 2..

तीन शाखाओं वाला बिल्व पत्ता

और बिना छेद वाले कोमल और शुभ पत्तों के साथ।

मैं भगवान शिव को एक बिल्व वृक्ष चढ़ाकर भगवान शिव की पूजा करूंगा। 2॥

I offer a leaf of Bilva to Shiva which has three stems

Which are not defective in any way

Which are soft and tender

which are auspicious.


akhaṇḍa bilvapatreṇa pūjite nandikeśvare .

śuddhyanti sarvapāpebhyo hyekabilvaṃ śivārpaṇam ..3..

नंदी के भगवान की पूजा एक अखंड बिल्व पत्र से की जाती है।

भगवान शिव को एक बिल्व वृक्ष अर्पित करने से वे सभी पापों से मुक्त हो जाते हैं।

Offering worship to Shiva - Lord of Nandi

With only one bilobed leaf which is complete and flawless

One is freed from all sins. I offer a leaf of Bilva to Shiva.


śāligrāma śilāmekāṃ viprāṇāṃ jātu cārpayet .

somayajña mahāpuṇyaṃ ekabilvaṃ śivārpaṇam .. 4..

ब्राह्मणों को कभी भी एक शालिग्राम पत्थर नहीं चढ़ाना चाहिए।

चंद्रमा की बलि बहुत पवित्र होती है और भगवान शिव को एक बिल्व वृक्ष चढ़ाया जाता है।

I offer a leaf of Bilva to Shiva

For it is equivalent to offering a Saligram (a rare stone) to a brahmin who has realized the soul. Or the great blessing got out of performing Soma Yaga.


dantikoṭi sahasrāṇī vājapeya śatāni ca .

koṭikanyā mahādānaṃ ekabilvaṃ śivārpaṇam ..5..

हे वाजपेय, हजारों करोड़ दांत और सैकड़ों हैं।

एक करोड़ की बेटी एक महान उपहार है और एक बिल्व वृक्ष भगवान शिव को चढ़ाया जाता है।

Gifting of thousands of crores of elephants, or

Performing hundreds of great sacrifices like the Vajapeya (sacrifices made by kings) or

Gifting of millions of daughters in marriage

Cannot be compared with the offering of a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.


lakṣmyāstanuta utpannaṃ mahādevasya ca priyam .

bilvavṛkṣaṃ prayacchāmi hyekabilvaṃ śivārpaṇam ..6..

यह लक्ष्मी के शरीर से पैदा हुआ था और भगवान महादेव को प्रिय है।

मैं आपको एक बिल्व वृक्ष और एक बिल्व वृक्ष भगवान शिव को चढ़ाता हूं।

The Bilva tree arises from the body of Lakshmi.

And the Bilva tree is adored by Lord Shiva.

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.


darśanaṃ bilvavṛkṣasya sparśanaṃ pāpanāśanam .

aghorapāpasaṃhāraṃ ekabilvaṃ śivarpaṇam .. 7..

kāśīkṣetranivāsaṃ ca kālabhairavadarśanam .

prayāghamādhavaṃ dṛṣṭvā hyekabilvaṃ śivārpaṇam ..

बिल्व वृक्ष के दर्शन करने और उसका स्पर्श करने से समस्त पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं

एक बिल्व वृक्ष सभी भयानक पापों को नष्ट कर देता है और भगवान शिव को चढ़ाया जाता है। 7॥

वह काशी के क्षेत्र में रहते थे और उन्होंने कालभैरव को देखा था।

प्रयाग और माधव को देखकर, एक बिल्व वृक्ष भगवान शिव को अर्पित किया गया।

Even looking at the Bilva tree or Even just touch it

Destroys the most terrible sin that one can commit. I offer a leaf of Bilva to Shiva.

If one stays in the holy city of Kashi and then There is a darshan of Lord Kalabhairava

Go to Prayag and visit Lord Madhav there And also worship Lord Shiva with Bilva leaves

He was assured of the grace of the Lord.

I offer a leaf of Bilva to Shiva.


mūlato brahmarūpāya madhyato viṣṇurūpiṇe .

agrataḥ śivarūpāya hyekabilvaṃ śivārpaṇam .. 8..

जड़ से, आप ब्रह्मा के रूप हैं, और मध्य में, आप भगवान विष्णु के रूप हैं।

उनके सामने भगवान शिव को एक बिल्व वृक्ष चढ़ाया जाता है। 8॥

Lord Shiva is worshiped with a leaf of the Bilva tree which at the core represents the creator Brahma, Vishnu, the bearer in the middle and Shiva, the destroyer in the upper part

One can get maximum benefits.

I offer a leaf of Bilva to Shiva.

bilvāṣṭakamidaṃ puṇyaṃ yaḥ paṭhet śivasannidhau .

sarvapāpa vinirmuktaḥ śivalokamavāpnuyāt ..

जो भगवान शिव की उपस्थिति में इस शुभ बिल्वाष्टकम का पाठ करता है

सभी पापों से मुक्त होकर वह भगवान शिव की दुनिया को प्राप्त करता है।

One who recites these holy verses of Bilvashtakam

In the presence of Lord Shiva will be freed from all sins and will attain the abode of Shiva.

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