Shivashtakam Lyrics in Hindi & English with Meaning


Ashtakam is a Sanskrit poetic composition of eight stanzas or verses, usually arranged as a set of rhyming quatrains. Shivashtakam is an 8-verses devotional hymn composed in Sanskrit by Adi Shankaracharya. It praises Lord Shiva and his divine attributes. The verses are written in a poetic way praising the glorious qualities of Lord Shiva. Shivashtakam is one of the most powerful mantras written to glorify Lord Shiva. Shivashtakam Mantra is a Shiva prayer for willpower, wisdom, and patience to overcome our worldly struggles.

Chanting Shivashtakam Lyrics is a great way to pay respect to Lord Shiva and seek his divine blessings. To chant Shivashtakam, you need to recite the following verses:

Shivashtakam Lyrics in Hindi & English with Meaning


जो परम कारण का कारण है उसको नमस्कार है

ओ चमकीली, चमकती, चमकीली पीली आंखें।

नागों के हार से बने कुंडलों से सुशोभित

हे शिव, जो ब्रह्मा, इंद्र और विष्णु के वरदान देते हैं, मैं आपको अपनी आज्ञा देता हूं।

tasmai namaḥ paramakāraṇakāraṇāya

dīptojjvalajjvalitapiṅgalalocanāya .


brahmendraviṣṇuvaradāya namaḥ śivāya ..1..

Obeisance to Him who is the cause of the supreme cause

O bright, shining, bright yellow eyes.

adorned with earrings made of serpent necklaces

O Shiva who bestows the boons of Brahma, Indra, and Vishnu, I offer my obeisances to you.


सुंदर खुश चाँद और नाग के आभूषण के लिए

पहाड़ी बकरी के चेहरे से चूमती आंखों के लिए।


हे शिव, आप तीनों लोकों के कष्ट को दूर करते हैं।


śailendrajāvadanacumbitalocanāya .


lokatrayārtiharaṇāya namaḥ śivāya ..2..

I salute that Shiva, who always wears,

The clear moon and the snake as ornaments,

Whose eyes are kissed by the daughter of the mountain,

Who lives in the Kailasa peak and Mahendra mountain,

And who defeats the sorrow of the people of three worlds.


कमल के समान कुण्डल और रत्नों वाले बैल को

यह प्रचुर मात्रा में काले अगरु और चंदन से आच्छादित है।


हे शिव, आप नीले कमल की गर्दन के समान हैं।


kṛṣṇāgarupracuracandanacarcitāya .


nīlābjakaṇṭhasadṛśāya namaḥ śivāya ..3..

I salute that Shiva, who has neck of the colour of blue lotus,

Who wears ear rings made of Padma raga, who rides on a bull,

Who applies fragrance of aloe and coats himself with plenty of sandal paste,

And who applies ash on his body and wears a garland of opened lotus flowers.



हे भयंकर, भयानक, भयानक दाँतोंवाले!

वह व्याघ्र की खाल में सुंदर है

हे तीनों लोकों के स्वामी, अतुलनीय, मैं आपको प्रणाम करता हूं।


daṃṣṭrākarālavikaṭotkaṭabhairavāya .

vyāghrājināmbaradharāya manoharāya

trailokyanāthanamitāya namaḥ śivāya ..4..

I salute that Shiva who is saluted by lords of the three worlds,

Who has large matted crown of hair of reddish brown colour,

Who appears fierce and fearful due to his pointed teeth,

And who is very pretty wearing the hide of a tiger.


दक्ष प्रजापति के महायज्ञ के विनाश के लिए

महा त्रिपुर दैत्य का शीघ्र संहार करो।


हे शिव, आप योग और योग के माप हैं।


kṣipraṃ mahātripuradānavaghātanāya .


yogāya yoganamitāya namaḥ śivāya ..5..

I salute that Shiva, who is Yoga and is saluted by yogis,

Who destroyed fire sacrifice conducted by Daksha prajapathi,

Who quickly killed the great asura called Tripurasura,

And who cut off the fifth head of Brahma, who was proud.


विश्व निर्माण की घटनाओं को बदलने के लिए

दानव पिशाचों और सिद्धों की भीड़ है।

सिद्धों, सर्पों, ग्रहों और यजमानों द्वारा सेवा की जाती है

हे शिव, बाघ की खाल पहने हुए, मैं आपको अपनी श्रद्धा अर्पित करता हूं।


rakṣaḥ piśācagaṇasiddhasamākulāya .


śārdūlacarmavasanāya namaḥ śivāya ..6..

I salute that Shiva, who wears the skin of a tiger,

Who keeps on destroying and creating the world,

Who takes care of the different demons and crowds of Sidhas,

And who is served by Sidhas, serpents, planets, and chiefs of Ganas?



उसने कोमल वन में शरण ली।


हे शिव, आप गाय के दूध की धारा की तरह सफेद हैं।


saumyāvadātavanamāśritamāśritāya .


gokṣīradhāradhavalāya namaḥ śivāya ..7..

I salute that Shiva, who is as white as a stream of cow’s milk,

Who applies ash all over him but is bewitchingly handsome,

Who is the support for those pious people who take shelter in forests,

Who with half closed eyes sees the side long glance of Gowri.


सूर्य, चंद्रमा, वरुण और पवन द्वारा सेवा की गई


ऋग्वेद और वेदों के ऋषियों को स्तुति के साथ

हे चरवाहे, छिपे हुए, रहस्यमय, मैं आपको अपना प्रणाम करता हूं।


yajñāgnihotravaradhūmaniketanāya .

ṛksāmavedamunibhiḥ stutisaṃyutāya

gopāya gopanamitāya namaḥ śivāya ..8..

I salute that Shiva, who takes care of a bull and is revered by it,

Who is served by the Sun, moon, The god of rain, and the god of fire,

Who lives in places sanctified by the smoke of fire sacrifices,

And who is sung by sages well learned in Rik and Sama Veda?

जो भगवान शिव की उपस्थिति में भगवान शिव के इस शुभ अष्टकम का पाठ करता है

वह शिव की दुनिया को प्राप्त करता है और शिव के साथ आनंद लेता है।

śivāṣṭakamidaṃ puṇyaṃ yaḥ paṭhecchivasannidhau .

śivalokamavāpnoti śivena saha modate ..9..

He who reads this octet on Shiva,

In front of the temple of Shiva,

Would reach the world of Shiva,

And would be happy along with Shiva.

Chanting Shivashtakam lyrics connect to the divine energy of Shiva, build a spiritual connection with the divine, and calms the mind. It can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote peace and well-being. It can increase focus and concentration and help one develop a positive attitude and outlook. Additionally, chanting Shivashtakam lyrics can help build inner strength, courage, and resilience, enabling one to face life's challenges better. It helps to stay focused. Once you go into a state of deep concentration, it works on the mind, body, and spirit. Life is just an energy particle, so energy vibrates from you to the outer universe and you connect with positive vibes. So chant this mantra and try to be in harmony with them and let the abundance of life flow into you.

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