Powerful Ek Mukhi Rudraksha -A priceless gift of Nature

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is a rare and powerful cashew-shaped bead that is considered a priceless gift from nature. This Rudraksha is known for its ability to remove negative karma, purify the soul, and treat various mental disorders such as migraines, depression, and nervous disorders. In this article, we will explore the many benefits of wearing Ek Mukhi Rudraksha, including its ability to disinfect the aura, protect from harmful energies, bring joy and peace, give your nervous system a sense of calm and alertness, and cure various physical ailments.

A single-face Rudraksha is considered to be the most auspicious Rudraksha bead as it is considered to be the supreme blessing of Lord Shiva himself. It wipes away all kinds of sins of a person, fulfills all their desires, and bestows the wearer with prosperity, luck, and good fortune as well as worldly pleasures and salvation.

Benefits of one-sided Rudraksha:

  1. Disinfects the aura.

  2. Protects from harmful energies.

  3. Brings joy and peace.

  4. Gives your nervous system a sense of calm and alertness.

  5. Diseases including bladder problems, memory loss, pulmonary and cardiovascular problems, liver and breast problems, and memory loss can be cured by wearing.

  6. Wearing an electrified one-faced Rudraksha helps in predicting Parva.

  7. As a result, death phobia is eliminated.

  8. It affects the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus glands.

  9. One-pointed Rudraksha is considered to cleanse one of the doshas, ​​especially graves.

  10. Additionally, it helps the wearer master their senses and moksha.

A natural hole and an almost round shape are two features recognized to be present in good quality Rudraksha. In this division, a true uniface, in which only one line or face is developed, is a very peculiar and rare occurrence from the botanical point of view. According to astrology, Sun is the dominant planet for one-faced Rudraksha, so wearing this removes any negative properties under the influence of the Sun. This can help with headaches, vision problems, and liver-related ailments.

How to wear:

One face Rudraksha should be worn after a bath on Monday. While wearing Rudraksha, you must sit facing East and recite the seed mantra "Om Hreem Namah" at least 108 times. There are different mantras as Padma Purana, Skanda Purana, Shiva Purana, and Yogacara. These mantras include "Om Drisham Namah", "Om Em Namah", "Om Hreem Namah", and "Om Brasham Namah".

Mantra For One Mukhi Rudraksha

Mantra as per Padma Purana
“Om Drisham Namah”

Mantra as per Skanda Purana
“Om Em Namah”

Mantra as per Shiva Purana
“Om Hreem Namah”

Mantra as per Yogacara

      “Om Brasham Namah”

Who Should Wear:

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is recommended for anyone who wants to maintain mental calmness throughout trying times. Due to the widespread belief that it improves memory, all students should wear it. Along with students, doctors and scientists should also wear one-faced Rudraksha. Regardless of caste, creed, or religion, anyone who wants to live a pure and good life can wear an Ek Mukhi Rudraksha.

Horoscope or Zodiac sign for one-sided Rudraksha

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha

An Ek Mukhi Rudraksha can be worn by anyone, regardless of their horoscope or zodiac sign. The notion that an Ek Mukhi Rudraksha delivers money and riches is wholly untrue. This Rudraksha is a divine component of nature that improves the wearer's life by bringing illumination. The most coveted Rudraksha is sometimes referred to as the "Divine Mala". Goddess Maha Lakshmi bestows her blessings on the house where one-faced Rudraksha is worshipped. The wearer of this receives praise from Lord Shiva himself, and any obstacles in his path are removed, allowing him to lead a prosperous and successful life.

The one-faced Rudraksha imparts the ability to concentrate and is divine in its ethos. It is rare among all mouths. This concentrates on the absolute essentials for the wearer. The person develops courage and is not affected by enmity or any other negative force. By following the path of renunciation and liberation, one experiences a sense of bliss oneself. Along with spirituality and prayer, this is best for complete fulfillment and happiness.

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